Saturday, September 1, 2007

Happy Little Gardens

Today had several highlights, though they weren't exactly thrilling. I'm doing battle with some sort of sore throat illness. So far I'm winning but I'm taking it easy to make up for the party thursday night. Which, incidentally, was the 3rd dinner party Tasha has been to in the past month.

- Went to garden center and procured lots of plants! It was hard to find ones that like full shade, which is what my front 'garden' seems to have. I couldn't resist hens and chicks and a lavender for the back, which does get sun. They all have to live in containers, due to the cement...I will post a photo eventually of my happy little gardens.

-Virgin man (from Virgin Media phone service...not....well) came AT A REASONABLE TIME and actually FIXED my phone line. He had to make 2 trips back to HQ but IT WORKS NOW!

- Tonight in my back happy little garden, the birds finally discovered the birdbath. A magpie and later two blackbirds were enjoying it. The magpie was going nuts and having a fantastic time playing around. The blackbirds: 'well I suppose I should clean myself.' The doves found the whole scene undignified. I put out some pumpkin seeds that were revolting to me, but fine for birds. I think. no one has eaten any yet.

- I crept into the next door backyard. I suspect no one lives there. I hope they don't, considering the state of it...tho the birds probably enjoy the overgrowth! I found a Police No Parking cone. Now it rests in my yard. what do do with it...

the end


saun said...

Can't wait to see "happy little gardens" photo. (I hope you don't get a varmit infestation with all the bird food out.-Eeyore) Maybe the police cone would come in handy when you're out sampling?

saun said...

Those Virgin men eventually come through, ha ha. by the way, send me your new #