Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Sculpture Season 2009

As the snow continued, I decided to go out in the park at night (for the first time since last time it snowed - last year). Its usually very dark there at night due to the lack of ANY lighting WHATSOEVER, but with the cityshine reflecting off the snow, it had a pleasant glow. So, from 10-11:30pm Monday night I worked on building this massive snow lion!

With the Pie:

Front view:

Teh face ( eyes...):

One more:

Well, now the snow has become unmoldable, so other than making a few minor repairs to the lion over the past couple days I have not made anything else. It may snow again later in the week...

Monday, February 2, 2009

The groundhog was right!

Its Groundhog Day back home, and the famous PA hog has predicted more winter! Well, it is certainly true here - we have actual snow, INCHES of it, with a frigid next couple of weeks predicted. Virtually all the schools in the area were closed today, and we are to get more snow overnight (if we are lucky!) Needless to say, I've been enjoying the snow very much, with several frolicking sessions under my belt today alone. Here are some images from this afternoon.

Here, my neighbor helps out those who have forgotten what this white stuff is called:

Carl under his nice blanket of snow:

And here is Tasha sitting in a large snowball that someone made into a chair...rather odd, but interesting. Look at the happy people out enjoying the snow!

Yesterday was fun, too, I went for a hike/run on Ilkley Moor, which has large rock formations and is never too crowded, so Tasha and I can just careen all over the place to our hearts' content. It was lots of fun. No one threw up.

Here is the Pie, enjoying the scenery:

Here is myself, enjoying the scenery, and the fact that I remembered to bring tissues:

And here is the view from near the top, looking down on the town of Ilkley:

In other news, we are having a biologists' semi-formal masquerade ball, so I went and got a dress on Saturday. YES, it is MINT GREEN. I was fortunate enough to find it after only about ten minutes of shopping. Finding shoes took another ten minutes, heh heh heh. Looks like I forgot to put them on for the photo, however. Now I just have to make a mask of some sort.