Sunday, November 30, 2008

Guest blog

wel, tha hoomin iz bizy dooing werk, so it iz uppto me, tha pi, too maek blogge poast.

-poleese left note at doar, them tryde too come, butt we knot hoem. them call on fone tomoro.

-thar iz ise al over tha plaice, well frost aneewae.

-we feeded them krowes in tha park, az evry dae we duz. thar ar 5 ta 9 yooshually. tha mag-pi's are getin moer bold.

-weez all went fore walk with ambr and krokus, and other hoomin. it wuz funn.

-tha hoomin haz nott sleeped enuff, butt i haz.

-the snaylz are getin verry bigge.

tha end

Friday, November 7, 2008

Why don't you just take my soul while you are at it

The plant thief has struck again! Last night, I pointed out my new plants to my brother-unit. This morning at 9am, they were gone. Well, the two large ones anyway. Sure enough, later I walked by the house where my old stolen plants are, and saw that they have my two new ones.


I called the police. They are supposed to call me back later. I also took photos of the yard with (all) my plants in it. I hope they don't ask to see photos of the plants in my yard, prior to being stolen. I have such photos, but they are photos of action figures that just happen to have the plants in them. "See here, officer, these are the plants in the corner of the photo." "Uh huh. Behind the Transformers?" "Oh, uh, those aren't mine, I was just borrowing them..."

Amazingly, I also ran into the neighbor whose monkey puzzle tree was also stolen, by chance, and told him about the situation.

Honestly, these people live less than 300 meters from my house, did they NOT think that I would find my plants? How stupid must they be to steal from my house AGAIN?

*dramatic sigh*

Monday, November 3, 2008

Crayfish science

In celebration of getting a scanner (that works), I've brought home some of my lab books in order to share the crayfish drawings on the covers. There are about 6 books now, here are my favorite images. Oh, 6 books sounds like alot, but actually I use rather small books compared to the normal size around here. Its not the size that counts, or so I hear, anyway.

Here's the crayfish on my second lab book:

Here is a more recent book, moving away from realism as you can see:
If you are thinking, "Crayfish Mona Lisa," then we are on the same page.

Here's my current lab book cover image:

Contrary to what you might think, all this doodling does not equate to goofing off. In the molecular lab there is always something to wait for. Waiting for a gel to set firmly. Waiting for the gel to run. Waiting for the centrifuge to stop spinning. Its easy to run out of things to do, so I escape to my happy world of cartoon crayfish, ha ha ha. Actually, I do manage to goof off alot in the field lab where there is no excuse! XD