Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ozark turtles and such

Well, just finished up another week of driving around the Ozarks, looking at streams, rescuing roadturtles, and picking ticks off ourselves. We even did some training with a famous stream ecologist. At least, I think he's famous. Also we saw this enormous raven statue at Ravendon.

Here are a couple of the turtles we found on roads. This one is some kind of water turtle. He looks like a hamburger.

And here is a three-toed box turtle. He looks like the cardboard box the hamburger came in.

And to continue with a previous theme:
Things I miss about England - ya can let yer dog off the leash at the park. Which park? EVERY park! 8D

Things I am really glad to get back to - people actually LIKE dogs, and it is perfectly acceptable to go up to a stranger and ask to pet their dog. In the few weeks I have been back in Missouri, more people have asked to pet the PieMaster than during the entire time I was in Leeds. Which is saying alot.