Saturday, September 29, 2007

or, when all else fails, call the city council and some nice men in flannel will come to your house and scream at your neighbors FOR you!

Night of the Living Drunks

All the freshman have appeared, filling the sidewalks, campus, and even the air with their loud voices, music, and clothes. It seems that they spend much of their time intoxicated. Here is what I have learned by observing and experimenting upon them:

- that urine on the trash cans/rubbish bins? its not from the neighborhood dogs.

- screaming at your neighbors is the best approach for getting them to turn the music down. asking politely yields no returns.

- though there are many muslim students, you NEVER see them drunk, roaming the streets and yelping into the night. I think maybe their religion forbids drinking, or at least being drunk.

- having a large black dog walk with you after dark is like having drunk-repellent. it seems the alcohol increases their paranoia.

- fashion among the drunk-night-outers is non-existant. or it is overemphasized. their clothing choices are so bad, either could be the case.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Florian is my home boy

Way to go, Saint Florian, closet Christian and patron saint against drowning. You've really come through for me. I now have my very own free dehumidifier making quick work of my (soon to be) bedroom.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

poetry corner

Takumi the hungry slug
he eat?
a leaf or a bug?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Four Winds

I've noticed an interesting trend among my peers. We all seem to be scattering to the four winds temporarily. At least ten of my friends from the USA have taken jobs/courses in foreign countries, including Japan, Thailand, and Mexico. None of these are supposed to be permanent positions, we're all supposed to return after a year or two.

What does this say about us? At first one might be tempted to say that we don't like our hometowns, or state, or America, and want to get as far away as possible. However, that is certainly not my reason and I don't think it is a very significant reason for any of my pals. Sometimes we say Logan/Ohio/America is so backwards we can't stand it, but I doubt we'll really find anything better anywhere else. Different sure. I guess we're all just upper middle class kids enjoying the playground that is globetrotting, to put it harshly. Or are we dissatisfied with something and trying to seek it elsewhere? Will we find it? I just wanted to be paid to study crayfish...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Great Potato non-Famine

So one of my friends is graditated and is moving back down to her home near London. We had a going away potato-pancake-thingymaboberoo dinner for her, just her and another friend and I. First group dinner at my new place! everything went well, except my pans were non-non-stick and that was a real problem, until we got out the griddle pan thing! solved! 'sorted'

the pancakes were made by grating up potatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots, then add flour and eggs. I accidentally grated my finger, so unfortunately they were no longer vegetarian...heheheh at least i was excused from further grating duties.

after a good meal, its nice to watch a good film. like a miyazaki film! yay! we were a bit limited in choice since my laptop only plays USA we watched Nausicaa. we also listened to my bro's pirate theme cd. all was well.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

In pursuit of chelae

Lately its just fieldwork fieldwork fieldwork. Today I forgot to pack lunch, and had no cash, so I had to subsist on my 'car snacks' from 9am to 9pm (the Dales are an ATM-free zone, it seems). Luckily I stocked up on car snacks the other day, so I had enough to eat! WITHOUT tapping into the ever-present emergency ration that is crayfish bait, a.k.a. sardines.

Tasha had a thrilling encounter with canned dog food (she usually has the dry stuff). She does her part to clean out the can for recycling. Having a dog helps save water - there is no need to rinse anything...dishes, cans, hands covered in sardine juices, etc.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Happy Little Gardens

Today had several highlights, though they weren't exactly thrilling. I'm doing battle with some sort of sore throat illness. So far I'm winning but I'm taking it easy to make up for the party thursday night. Which, incidentally, was the 3rd dinner party Tasha has been to in the past month.

- Went to garden center and procured lots of plants! It was hard to find ones that like full shade, which is what my front 'garden' seems to have. I couldn't resist hens and chicks and a lavender for the back, which does get sun. They all have to live in containers, due to the cement...I will post a photo eventually of my happy little gardens.

-Virgin man (from Virgin Media phone service...not....well) came AT A REASONABLE TIME and actually FIXED my phone line. He had to make 2 trips back to HQ but IT WORKS NOW!

- Tonight in my back happy little garden, the birds finally discovered the birdbath. A magpie and later two blackbirds were enjoying it. The magpie was going nuts and having a fantastic time playing around. The blackbirds: 'well I suppose I should clean myself.' The doves found the whole scene undignified. I put out some pumpkin seeds that were revolting to me, but fine for birds. I think. no one has eaten any yet.

- I crept into the next door backyard. I suspect no one lives there. I hope they don't, considering the state of it...tho the birds probably enjoy the overgrowth! I found a Police No Parking cone. Now it rests in my yard. what do do with it...

the end