Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Night of Flesh!

Tonight I enjoyed consumption of meat products. TWO kinds...wow. I got home at 9:30 pm and was unmotivated to cook much, so I picked the food group most missing from my diet of late. I enjoyed some pork and leek sausages, and chicken tenderloins, which I didn't realize came with the breasts I bought. chicken breasts. The breasts tragically became dog food because I let them sit just a bit longer than I would like... so I baked them but good for Piemaster until they were tough and nearly inedible for a human, but definately safe. However I was unable to resist the tenderloins...with Spike on them...mmm...watch this space for any regrets! ha ha!

1 comment:

saun said...

you might want to consider eating more regularly?