Sunday, December 14, 2008

Who called in the airstrike?

So I was feeding the crows in the park this morning, as I do nearly every morning. Usually they just sit there, wait for me to toss a treat toward them, then hop over/down and pick it up, and look at me for a few seconds before either eating or caching it. Once I've fed all the visible crows, I leave the area, and they go do their own thing. One of them, though, has upped the ante and is trying some new strategies in order to get more treats. It will now follow me, if I take a route other than my normal route through the park. It even crossed the road as I left the park today, they never do that. Anyway, as well as the following, it will fly really close to me, to attract my attention, then land in front of me, as if to say "hey, right here, look at my pretty crow self, now give me a treat" Of course it works, because I am a sucker for corvids. I'm hoping to get it to eat out of my hand eventually, maybe land on my arm or something. We'll see. And to stave off any concerns that I am training crows to land on people - they do not approach anyone else, or even me if I either - have someone else with me - or - don't have the Pie with me. They seem to only recognize the Emily-Tasha combination. Wearing a different jacket puts them off, but they figure that out pretty quick.

Monday, December 8, 2008


A few days ago we had ACTUAL SNOW here in Leeds! Just look at it!

There was enough to throw snowballs! To make snowmen! To sled! (if one had a sled, which no one does...) Okay, so there was actually only about one inch or so. But I woke up to the radio dude going on about 'blizzard-like conditions'. Uh. It was lightly snowing, with no wind... not exactly a 'blizzard.' But, there was SOME SNOW, so I wasn't really disappointed! It even stayed all day (but not longer). It has been very cold here generally, with ice every morning. Observe icy sidewalks:

Lookit the interesting pattern in the snow from the plants in the garden near the biology building (taken from about four floors up):

And here is a nice view of last night's sunset out my back door, its not an awesome shot, but my camera has decided it will no longer zoom in, so...