Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Do you have any slugs, miss?

e-mail from someone at work: "we need some slugs for a workshop for kids. word on the street is that you have some. can you bring them tomarrow and tell kids about them?"

I think to self: *hmm. I'm not sure how many are still alive. I've been feeding them, but I rarely see any since they come out at night, and I'm usually sleeping then....but there must be a few...*

later that night...
I look at the slug tank.
There are about 30 plastered all over the tank walls, oozing with gusto.
Looks like I'll be doing a slug demo tomarrow... problem is I know very little about them.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Another year of toil, another year of oxidation

Yes folks, I've entered a new year of life.

'the first day of the rest of my life'

the first day of remembering to update my blog

here is a nice picture for you to look at:

so, two people have given me sketchbooks for my birthday...heh heh I'm up to about ten now. That is alot. Those are just the ones I have been using in the past 1.5 years. Interestingly, I haven't drawn many horses lately. Usually, they are almost all I draw. But I hit some kind of horse-drawing wall about 6 months ago, where I couldn't think of a horse to draw that I HADN'T already drawn. So for awhile I had drawing block. A few horses, comics, dogs, crayfish, even some humans, but not much though. Soon, all that will change...

in other news, um...its raining.
and the daffodils have started blooming!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ah! I need to update more often...

Wow, apologies for no updates. Have been busy at work. Gave presentation - yay, fun! Now I'm doing lots of lab work in anticipation of a conference at the end of march. So, without further ado, its photo time:

Here is the legendary pedestrian bridge over the train tracks, which my parental units wanted to see. As you can see, the walkway has a large fence to keep people from falling off, and is basically one long ramp. The other side really IS a giant ramp, without folding over on itself like this side. I like the folded version though ;)

Here's some fun street art I found. There has been a lot of new graffiti lately, its very interesting I'll try and take more photos but I often don't have the camera when I see it.

These Croci were blooming in late January! Yowza!

So pretty! spring comes so early here! look, sun even!

Then, just the other day......SNOW!!! HORRAY!!! and this lovely fog, it stayed most of the day, it was a wonderful atmosphere.

Here's some cute crows posing before I fed them. I feed the crows everyday. I feed them generic brand dog biscuits. today's blog is brought to you by the letter C. C is for Crows.

Look at the croci under the snow! The snow melted today and they are still alive and intact, what hardy little flowers. Note crow in tree. waiting for food. lurking...

So back to work! Those tip boxes aren't going to fill themselves! maybe I'll watch an x-file while I do it...(basically just placing plastic tubes into slots in a tedious but unavoidable...tho one of the labmates is workin' on an invention! we'll see)

please enjoy the photos and I'll try to post more soon!