Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Night of Flesh!

Tonight I enjoyed consumption of meat products. TWO kinds...wow. I got home at 9:30 pm and was unmotivated to cook much, so I picked the food group most missing from my diet of late. I enjoyed some pork and leek sausages, and chicken tenderloins, which I didn't realize came with the breasts I bought. chicken breasts. The breasts tragically became dog food because I let them sit just a bit longer than I would like... so I baked them but good for Piemaster until they were tough and nearly inedible for a human, but definately safe. However I was unable to resist the tenderloins...with Spike on them...mmm...watch this space for any regrets! ha ha!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Virgin Media chaps me arse

as the scottish friend says. Mainly because my phone still doesn't work, after calling Customer 'Care' 4 times, 1 technician visit, and being on hold for half and hour. luckily the broadband works, freakishly...

In other news I have attracted birds to my back patio by providing tasty treats. So far have great tits, blue tits, doves, magpies, robin, sparrows, and a wren. Haven't seen the magpies lately, maybe should provide dog food for them. If only I could get some crows, then tame them.

Also last night I went to a(nother) going away party for a visiting Italian student - somehow she managed to aquire more friends in 3 months than most people do in a year...reminds me of a certain someone... We played pool/snooker and had good times!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Last night my Earth supervisor had a dinner, for one student who is leaving and another who is just starting. It was nice to eat 'real' food with a real family! Tasha went too, and was immensely popular with the kids...she let them put reflective bracelets on her tail and that sort of thing. They have a dog too, she is small but can leap extremely high to catch her frisbee! Tonight it was back to the grindstone, trying to finish cleaning every surface of the house while listening to the ten different songs they play over and over on Radio Aire. The flat isn't terribly dirty, it just seems like I should clean it before settling in.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I have moved, at last

Greetings loyal readers!
heh heh heh
At last I have moved into my new apartment! Now if I can only figure out how to use the appliances... Most of my stuff is unpacked, I've even put up a birdfeeder. But the walls remain barren. Well, eventually I'll have to get it looking snazzy, I'm expected to have a housewarming party soon!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A new chair is elected.

I mean selected. heh heh heh
Tonight I returned to the woods to claim the green plastic patio chair that I hauled out of the stream last week. As darkness crept into the forest, I fled with my dirty, but intact, prize. Sure, I could have just purchased such a chair, but then I would have to go to a store, give them money, then get the chair home somehow. All it needs is a good hosing down... yeah...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Swedish Castle of Dreams

Yes, my housemate and I journeyed to IKEA this weekend. Picking up some items for the new flat, like a super cute fishy rug for the bathroom and kitchen stuff, including a spatula. Maybe we should have gone to Spatula City for the spatula... Tomarrow I get to watch as the flat is inspected to see what needs to be fixed/cleaned/replaced before I move in....which was supposed to be on the 10th! arg!

In other news, I've been watching the TV series 'Nadesico' again. I can't decide if it is brilliant or ridiculous, which is interesting because the characters are asking the same question about Gekiganger, the TV show within the TV show... Does it contain a working formula for peace, or a code demanding the total annihilation of a perceived enemy? Can there be ubiquitous righteousness?

Monday, August 6, 2007

Eyes......made of crumpets.......combing, combing, combing

Today was a day like many this summer - get up, drive to river, haul in crayfish traps, take crayfish back to lab, take tissue samples crayfish, tuck them in for night, go home, eat dinner.
Dinner was happy to see me!