Sunday, September 13, 2009

On the verge of hopefully non-explosive action

Well I don't have any exciting news like buying a car...though I will be selling a car in the somewhat-near future. I do ALMOST have interesting news, it just hasn't happened yet - I've just been working lately.

Tomorrow my friend/housemate from Missouri is visiting, she's in town for a bat conference in York so we're going to get together to catch up. Probably go hiking if the weather is nice, which it is supposed to be. I haven't seen her for two years but we e-mail every now and then.

Wednesday I'm going to some govt agency down in Sheffield to get fingerprinted and other "biometrics"...I don't know what, maybe retina scan, ha ha ha.

Wednesday evening, until NEXT wednesday evening, my labmate and I are babysitting my supervisor's younglings. A 7 year old and a 2 year old. This should be interesting. I'll see if I can tire them out by having them dig a trench or something.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mobile camera

I took these photos with my mobile phone camera while my 'real' camera was in the shop. I think the lighting looks really interesting though. This is my shortcut home from work, behind the business school. Sometimes I take the Pie there to run around as well. Occasionally there are foxes present when we go at night.

This is a serious charity.

For real! Check out the website!

I see this Land Rover parked along the street on my way to work sometimes. HAD to get a photo!
