Saturday, September 29, 2007

Night of the Living Drunks

All the freshman have appeared, filling the sidewalks, campus, and even the air with their loud voices, music, and clothes. It seems that they spend much of their time intoxicated. Here is what I have learned by observing and experimenting upon them:

- that urine on the trash cans/rubbish bins? its not from the neighborhood dogs.

- screaming at your neighbors is the best approach for getting them to turn the music down. asking politely yields no returns.

- though there are many muslim students, you NEVER see them drunk, roaming the streets and yelping into the night. I think maybe their religion forbids drinking, or at least being drunk.

- having a large black dog walk with you after dark is like having drunk-repellent. it seems the alcohol increases their paranoia.

- fashion among the drunk-night-outers is non-existant. or it is overemphasized. their clothing choices are so bad, either could be the case.

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