Friday, March 28, 2008

Glad Sunny Day!

Here's some requested pics for Mom, because finally the sun came out:
the back of my house. Its the brown one on the left (without scaffolding). all the grass visible is "mine". The upside down, broken chair...i dunno where that came from...the sidewalk visible is the alley, basically.

Here's the view from my back door, out over the patio with huge crack in it. I'm thinking of growing some kind of ground cover in the crack. ha ha ha. You can see Tasha is sitting in her usual place. She will just go outside and sit there for half an hour or so, without moving. She likes to watch the birds, and squirrels, etc.
In other news, I finally went out and got my annual pair of plain brown leather shoes. I'm wearing them without my 'special' insoles. I tried them with and without, and without felt much better. So be it! That's right, feet, take some responsibility for yourselves and FUNCTION properly! ha ha ha! so far so good!
I also have my first, official, biology-related art request. Gonna draw some birds for my friend. With luck, and her hard work, they will eventually be published in a scientific journal. WOW. I am so excited. Now I just have to draw them...
And I will, while I attend a conference next week! About parasites. Scary. I'll be presenting a poster, and having a good time with the labmates.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Best Easter homily ever

because it included the phrase "smokin' some dodgy weed"



Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mac and Cheese in a can

Just because its available, doesn't mean you should buy it.

The bro and I were talkin' 'bout Mac'n'cheese awhile ago. Not Macaroni and Cheese the dish, so to speak, but Kraft Mac and Cheese. Everyone's favorite neon orange foodstuff. Living in the UK, I haven't eaten any in ages. I don't think it is available here. Probably due to the excessive use of colorants or something. But I miss its unique flavor. Flavour. So when I spotted macaroni and cheese IN A CAN at the grocery store, I thought, hmm, this has real potential for being Mac and Cheese-like. BUT NO! IT WAS SO BAD! It is thick and creamy, but in a bad way! It is almost flavorless, there is a faint taste of BAD, though. Today's lesson: don't buy mac'n'cheese in a can.

The Daihatsu Hijet is the cutest van ever. EVER. I saw three of them in my field of vision the other day and was AMAZED (they're pretty rare).

Monday, March 10, 2008


Recent fun activities:

going to bank to deposit loads of cash from church, discovering bank is closed

wiping tea off ALL the papers on my desk after spilling it spectacularly

wiping cranberry juice off ALL the papers on my desk after spilling it spectacularly

drawing cool picture for Soontar's friend, having dog shake mud all over it, cleaning it up in photoshop, coloring, sending.

getting the BEST looking bunch of bananas, only to discover they have SECRET nasty brown spots on the inside! ARGH!

receiving awesome handmade horse stained glass from friend for birthday! HORRAY!

Monday, March 3, 2008

like a train in the night, like a train in the .......NIGHT!

Last week I went to help the new PhD student with some fieldwork.
This is a pond, in an undisclosed location. We had this little inflatable dinghy to paddle around in to take samples and depth measurements. It was alot of fun, even though it was very windy and hard to steer the tiny craft.

There was a train track running right alongside, and several freight trains went by while we worked. I waved at them. One of them waved back, another tooted the train-horn! so cool.

This past weekend I finished up a round of crayfish behavior experiments. I mean behaviour. Here's number Six, enjoying a brief foray into the lighted portion of the chamber.

In other news, I'm watching my pal's dogs again, a rollicking good time will be had I am sure.