Thursday, July 19, 2007

Speed limit enforced by aircraft

Yesterday I purchased a car. At last! An aging, yet low milage, Nissan Almera. Its sorta between a hatchback and and estate car, it has more space than most 5-door hatches but is still in a low insurance group (yes!). It has an electric sunroof and is red, so now I am cool, as long as I wear my sunglasses. My new housemate tells me it needs a male name. Her car is Dora, the orange Peugeot 106.

Amazingly, my housemates from Missouri were in the UK and we all went for a delicious, if somewhat bizarre, Japanese dinner. Very fun to see them again and hear how everything back in MO is. They got a new housemate for my old room, and the neighbors who bought my old car still enjoy it - and it is 18 years old!

1 comment:

Tom said...

I suggest the name "Chap" as in "Jolly ol' chap." When you're scrubbing you can curse him like a proper Brit. "My you are a bloody rusty ol' chap."