Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My Friend Carl

I have named my car 'Carl'. Because ...*drumroll*... it's a car! We've had a good couple of weeks - his brake checkup went well, the sunroof opens (and I've learned NOT to open it right after it has rained....), and we've driven uneventfully over hill and dale. Also, no one has harmed him in any way.

At night, out my window, sometimes I see urban foxes!

The two pea plants I saved from my destroyed garden in the woods have borne fruit (vegetables...actually) and I ate the results! Good and crunchy!


Tom said...

Does Carl drink petrol or diesel?

Emilz said...

Carl drinks petrol! yum yum! possibly worse for the environment, but much better for the cyclists and other humans who...you know...breathe...hahahhaha