Saturday, July 21, 2007

no title

Ah Saturday, a day to help masters' students, a day to buy wire brushes, a day for housemates to return, a day to watch surreal films.

Yes, my long lost housemate has returned from her fieldwork in the south, plagued by flooding on the roadways, she finally arrived in remarkably good spirits with her two canine companions. We viewed "The Science of Sleep" - which was so very strange. Should have opted for Hot Fuzz? maybe...maybe....

They let me take the dog in the video store! Score one for the home team!

The wire brush is to remove rust from my car. I anticipate the process greatly. Like destroying vegetation, peeling paint, biting fingernails, etc. Ahhhhhhhhh........

1 comment:

Tom said...

I give the Science of Sleep two out of four stars (and one of those stars is only b'c of Gael Garcia Bernal). It was only okay.