Thursday, October 22, 2009

Good news from Oberlin

I was just killing time at work, so I checked out the Oberlin College website, as I sometimes do. The whole front page was epic! The first thing I noticed was that one of the people profiles they had up was someone who continued the crayfish studies that I started while I was there - just a picture and a short essay he wrote. I don't think I ever met him, but I suppose one could say he is a successor to the Oberlin Crayfish Duke-dom. Or something. Then I saw there was a video interview up with George and the Skritter crew. Way to go, guys! Most excellent. Then also there was a link to an article about Oberlin getting the top grade in sustainability among colleges and the entire country. Read about it here:

And of course you can see all of this today on the Oberlin site:

I don't know how long any of this will be up, though. But it was up TODAY. When I was looking at it. It was enough to make me... update my alumni profile, tee hee.

1 comment:

Soontar Cerulien said...

Crayfish Duke-dom. ~_~

Aren't you lucky to have gone to the college that doesn't suck so bad?