Thursday, July 31, 2008


another blog post so soon?!
why yes indeed.

Big news around here lately:
-yesterday I finally finished drawing three bird illustrations for a friend's article. Here is one of the images - in her paper it will probably be about 2 inches square:
-tonight I will go to see that new Batman movie, with a bunch of folks from work

-tomarrow I officially register for my third year here, i.e. I have to turn in a big report! also tomarrow the new X-files movie will be released in the UK! I hope to have time to see it.

-Sunday I leave for Finland to attend a crayfish conference! I'll be giving an oral presentation, and having way too much fun :D It is one week long. Tasha is staying with a friend of mine.

That's all!

1 comment:

Soontar Cerulien said...

Finland eh? Come with me to Helsinki, where the streets are wide and so am I - wide open for love!