Saturday, August 25, 2012

Recent projects

This post is just to off-load some pictures of art and craft projects I have recently finished.  Now that field season is mostly over, I have a bit more time to do all sorts of things, and then make blog posts about them, heh heh.

First, I had found a folding "director's" chair by the side of the road (classy, right?).  When the student leases expire at the end of June, they all move out and frequently leave good stuff sitting outside their houses.  So, I got the chair.  However, it had a huge rip in the seat fabric.  I made new fabric pieces and now I have my own festive chair, which my housemate's cat sits in.

 Next, I had been itching to try sculpting something.  So, I made a little sculpture of a friend's dog.  I'm not posting any photos because I don't want the friend to know because it will be a gift!  But it did turn out fairly well.  I then tried making one of Tasha - which went well because she was always available to model for me, of course!  Here she is:



In other news, I took Mom's advice and camped out in the yard.  I discovered that my tent does in fact have "tent smell", but not too bad.  Tasha and I slept (or something like sleeping) in it one night, it was fine, but the city is loud.  Since then I have purchased some enzyme cleaner for it, hopefully that will take care of the lingering odor!

Finally, at work I have been occasionally and unnecessarily digging up burrowing crayfish to show my co-workers.  They seem reasonably fascinated by these mysterious creatures of the underground, and of course I am more than happy to reach in and pull the crusty devils out.  Usually they are, in fact, devils (Devil Crayfish).

1 comment:

saun said...

really like the director's chair & the fabulous clay model of Tasha-excellant! nice paint job!