Friday, April 23, 2010

Well, its certainly been awhile since my last post, and lots of things have happened since then. But, probably, if you are reading this you already know all about them. Basically, I moved back to Ohio for a month before heading to Missouri to start my new (old) job. I'm very happy to be back on the crayfish crew, leading brave crustacean hunters on various adventures in southern Missouri. The person who is leaving my position and I went out this week to do some recon and collect some crayfish for Wash. Uni. in St. Louis. It was wonderful to be out in those beauuuuutiful Ozark streams...catching crayfish!

And now, to begin what will certainly be an ongoing feature:

Things I miss about England
-Public transit...around the entire country!

Things I am so glad to get back to
-Very few diesel cars means when I am riding my bike I can actually, you know, BREATHE freely. The difference is...very pleasing.

1 comment:

Soontar Cerulien said...

Haha yes those diesels are nasty indeed. You'd think they'd have learned their lesson from the Great Smog.

Good to hear you're having fun abducting the zariganis.