Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good thing...

...that my New Year's resolution wasn't to update my blog more often! Instead I resolve to complete the work for my PhD within the confines of 2009. Really, finishing in September would be ideal, but, I admit that is a bit unrealistic. Well, everything always works out in the end. In the meantime, I will work very hard. I have implemented a new daily schedule - the important part is that I wake up at 6am every day. So far so good. Also I refuse to allow any procrastination.

Photo time!

Goldfish at work (they are pets only), named Bob (yellow) and Dora (orange). Yes, they are named after the cartoon characters. My new labmate loves pets like I do, so we got some!

Here's a nice sunny day! It has been fairly sunny lately, maybe every three days or so? Look, shadows! That Tasha and I, obviously.

Photo of the Pie. Not much to add to that really.

Ah, now here we have something interesting. An early birthday present from a labmate. Notice the logo on the shirt.

Yes, it says "Cop inside" (as opposed to the original, which is Intel inside, by a computer microprocessor company, seen here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Intel_Inside_Logo.svg). Heh, they know I secretly wish I were a cop - I suppose wearing my 'to protect and serve' shirt all the time is kind of a give away. Anyway, it is a great shirt - it even glows in the dark. Its actually very timely because I have been realizing lately that my 'protect and serve' shirt has disappeared! I think I may have left it in Prague. Alas. Well, I'll have to get a new one of those made up.

Nothing else to report, really, have just been very busy working! Maybe something will happen this week...

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