Monday, June 25, 2007

Taco, not in my pocket

Yay for Americanized Mexican food night! It almost didn't occur - there was so much rain the roads flooded and the buses ground to a halt. I had to walk/run the 4 miles home to get the ingredients...then ride the bike back to town. I passed the River Aire, it was massive! But at last we all converged at the house and commenced making the food. We chowed down on some chips and salsa, nachos, tacos, and burritos. Well everything was good regardless and we finished off with fruit, including my favorite - pineapple core - and ice cream. Then we played Jenga and Chairs. Chairs was fun, you literally stack chairs (not life-size!).

Also, my pet slugs seem to have had a baby...already. A tiny slug has appeared in the cage. Do slugs hatch? Are they born?

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