Sunday, June 24, 2007

Diddle run

My latest crayfish gathering trips have been highly successful, I managed to avoid the rainy days AND get lots of crayfish. Piemaster was happy too, since there were plenty of sardines going around as bait. She loves the 'dines. There is plenty of daylight for work, since the sun comes up at 4:30am and goes down at 10:30pm - wow! This time I drove a VW Golf, 1.4 petrol engine. It did not have much get up and go, I must say. Very disappointed. I like my torque in the lower rpms. But it was black and shiny and had good MPG, so what can I say, its just a field vehicle.

I am now preparing for my journey BACK TO THE USA! horray! But first, Taco Night! watch this space...

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