Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Crawdad Mobile

Renting cars to do fieldwork is overwhelmingly foul. The only good part is that I get to try out lots of different and brand new cars. Which is fun, but every other aspect is wretched. So, today I purchased the Yorkshire Auto Trader magazine. Thusly, I officially enter the Used Vehicle Market! The ads come in many sections, including my favorites: bargain cars, vans & commercials, and estates. No, I'm not buying land, 'estate' is the name for a station wagon here. Will I find a perfect, boring, yet reliable 2002 Toyota Corolla estate? Or will I succumb to the charms of a Diahatsu Hi Jet still bearing the emblem of the company that formerly owned it (in a very Wayne's Samwich Wagon-eque fashion)? Only time will tell.....

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