Here are a couple of the turtles we found on roads. This one is some kind of water turtle. He looks like a hamburger.
And to continue with a previous theme:
Things I miss about England - ya can let yer dog off the leash at the park. Which park? EVERY park! 8D
Things I am really glad to get back to - people actually LIKE dogs, and it is perfectly acceptable to go up to a stranger and ask to pet their dog. In the few weeks I have been back in Missouri, more people have asked to pet the PieMaster than during the entire time I was in Leeds. Which is saying alot.
i thought the brits were crazy about dogs! go figure......
hope all is going well with the thesis work, by the way.
Hamburger & hamburger box turtles - were they delicious? <_<
Dude yeah that time you went in the stationery shop and I had the Pie outside, like over 9000 people were coming up and petting/gawking at her. ~__~
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