For Halloween this year I did all the usual things, well, the same things I did last year anyway, ha! First I carved a pumpkin and roasted the seeds - DELICIOUS. As you can see I carved a crayfish:
I made a costume for myself, I was a traffic cop. The outfit is based off the Japanese traffic cop ladies, I didn't want to look TOO much like a legitimate UK cop. Plus this outfit includes a nifty shoulder cord, vesty vest, and a tie. The hat is the UK hat. I also had handcuffs ;) But in the photo they are on my back where you cannot see them. I enjoyed wearing the outfit so much, I wore it to work on monday, tee hee. Well, most of it anyway!
My labmate's costume was a Wispa candy bar ("chocolate bar" as they say here). We made the costume together using a bedsheet and some leftover foam from the crayfish costumes. Also bits of felt and paper. It was a seriously good costume. Seeing a dancing Wispa bar improved my life significantly, hahahah! And yes she wore brown clothes so she could 'be' the chocolate! And she has brown hair, it was perfect.
For Halloween fun, 13 of us met up at my friend's house and we hung out there for awhile, gorging ourselves on snacks. Then we headed to the Fab Cafe, a bar/club themed on bad horror films, cult TV, and sci-fi. Its THE place to do halloween in Leeds, to be sure. They had a costume contest, fire poi outside on the patio, played fun halloween songs, etc. They also randomly gave us all sandwiches. Needless to say, I ate them. Oh, and at the bar they sell candy as well as alcohol. SOMEONE may have had too many candy necklaces on halloween! But I won't say who, ha!
Here's a photo of the inside of Fab - unfortunately there aren't any great costumes in this picture I do not think... but there were many excellent ones.
Oh yeah, and my guinea pig Conference pear dressed up as her namesake. I can see the ressemblance, can't you?
Costume = awesome. You'd make a great cop, except for the whole 'biting people' and 'not dangerous' things...
I demand more photos. Suppose I can extract them from you manually come Christmas?
quick get the conf. pear out of plastic bag!!!!!!!
I love the traffic cop costume.
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