Monday, June 15, 2009

Beautiful life

Today I had a nice quote from Frank Lloyd Wright on my jasmine teabag.

"The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes."

I wholeheartedly agree with his sentiment, being of great cheer myself. Plus, everytime I come home the first thing I see is an adorable guinea pig sleeping in its hammock, followed by the Pie. And everything, really, is so beautiful and fascinating, even a wee scrap of paper is so full of promise. The tea was delicious. And not laced with any kind of mood enhancer, I promise. Unless jasmine is a mood enhancer? Hmm.

In other news, I heard back from Olympus regarding my camera - it will cost about 100 pounds to fix it, so I'm gonna send the form in and have it done.

Finally, this weekend two labmates and I went to Oxford for some crayfish sampling/birthday partying/sightseeing. Both of them went there for undergrad. I will make a post with pictures from the trip later. I have my cameraphone pictures but will probably hold out for when I can get some of their pictures to put up. Here are two they will not have, though -

Carl in the hotel parking lot; looks like someone was getting dangerously close in the night:

Cute van:

I hope you all have a beautiful day!


Soontar Cerulien said...

Zomg the carz are kisshing!

I think I can agree with old man Wright too. For me though, it seems not like life is more beautiful, but that I am more able to notice and understand the beauty.

Lol at the ramming bar on your dinky van. Sorry to hear about the Olympus, mon.

brandonamp said...

Man, that's sweet! I'd love a hammock right now.

saun said...

that is an interesting quote, especially after having read about half of the book about him and "the women" . Sounded like things weren't going too well for him. also his home was burned down. Nice that he remained able to appreciate the beauty of the world. How about a pic of the guinnea in a hammock? what will they think of next?