Sunday, May 24, 2009

New old sewing machine

I know, its been a long time since I posted. And many things have happened. For one thing, I recently made a new addition to my...manufacturing department. Yes, I have a sewing machine. It is an ancient Toyota 5000. So ancient that I can't find anything about it on the internet. But its been serviced by Toyota, appears very durable, and it works well. Its actually very much like mom's old Husqvarna. It is large, metal, and beige. First order of business is to make a stuffed shrimp for my labmated. Then on to the full-body crayfish costume. I have already ordered the massive sheet of foam necessary. Did you know? Foam is very expensive, heh heh heh.

Notice the lack of photos. That is because my camera is out of commission. I'm still debating whether to send it in for repairs, or just buy a new/used one. It seems that what is wrong is this: the lens sucks in dust each time it retracts into the camera, where the dust settles and gets into the gears and wears them out. It seems to be a significant problem with cameras of this type, of various makes. So they might have to replace some gears or even the entire lens motor if it has become damaged. Hmm. I suppose I will go ahead and send it in. Worst case I lose the 25 pounds for having them examine it.

In the meantime, enjoy a couple photos from my cameraphone. These were the best, most of them turn out quite badly due to low light.

Two stuffed crayfish having a cuddle at work:

Poor, poor Carl. At least he did finally get a nice trip down to the JetSpray car wash bay.

1 comment:

Soontar Cerulien said...

Toyota 5000 sounds like some kinda race car - but it's actually a sewing machine. Maybe it's a racecar disguised as a sewing machine?

Take your dead camera and eat it to gain it's strength. Funny that you'd lose weight by having it examined though.... ~_~

Give us more delicious cameraphonenets!