Sunday, September 14, 2008

My patio plants

Someone stole them. What the...why would...WHO steals PLANTS?!?! They took my two large plants, which were small shrubs, but left the small ivy plants, which I re-potted today. Ugh! I am so disgusted with humanity. None of the neighbors saw anything.

I should really mention Diseased Kitty, this cat that has been hanging around the road. I'm not sure if it belongs to anyone. It has seemed at times to have a respiratory infection, though it does seem somewhat better lately...since I've been feeding it...and once it rained all day and I let her inside...oh no, I'm gonna be a crazy cat lady... Actually, I'm going to take a photo and go to all my neighbors and ask if it is their cat, or if they know whose it is. If no one claims it I'll either call the RSPCA and have them come get it, or I may take it to the vet first to see if it has a chronic infective disease, in which case it will probably end up put to sleep. I'm concerned as there are several healthy looking cats around, and if DK does have something chronically infectious, its only a matter of time before they contract it.

My friend says I should not call it Diseased Kitty, so her tentative name is Golddust, given the golden brown speckles in her otherwise black coat. She's very, very friendly. Pie is very interested in her, and wants to smell her, but DK will not allow such close contact. She doesn't run from the Pie, but she hisses when the Pie gets too close.

The Pie is well, and has been enjoying the glut of fieldwork lately, which means lots of fun and frolic for her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE. And also that stuffed crayfish is amazing! I miss you!